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Thermal Printer Fails Sometimes

Thermal Printer Fails Sometimes

POS systems & inventory control systems developed by CSoft Lanka support billing features using thermal printers. There are different thermal printer brands on the market. Please check  this post for a comprehensive list of brands supported by our POS systems.

In rare cases, you might experience printing problems with your brand new POS printer. The most common problem is that your printer fails periodically. It will print several customer bills without problem but fails the next time. You might encounter the error below.

Couldn't print to this printer: Failed to copy file to printer

Does it mean that your printer went offline? Still printer is connected to power and power button is on.

In this blog post, we have included a simple solution for above problem.

First make sure USB connection is working without issues.

Then you can try disabling USB selective suspend in your PC.

To find the USB select suspend setting you must open up the control panel and browse to the following:

Control Panel > System and Security > Power Options > Edit Plan Settings

And then click the blue line titled “Change advanced power settings.” And within this you’ll find  selective suspend under “USB settings.” Select Disabled option and apply changes.